Jaida Hancock
Jungian Life Coach / Writer /Audiobook Narrator/ Artist / Podcaster
Hello you special human, you!
Thank you so much for popping by to discover what I'm about!
You have themes that show up in your life. You might not always see them for what they are, but they're there. From person to person, they differ, but some themes are universal.
Two of those universals are: 1. The importance of connectedness and
2. The importance of embracing the whole. Despite all the divisiveness in the world, you still have one thing in common with everyone else-- we are all having very human experiences. Some are wonderful, and some, harrowing.
Everything I do-- coaching, visual arts, writing, etc.-- is in an effort to help people accept the fullness of their humanity and connect to others through that knowledge.
Light and dark, pleasure and pain, joy and sadness-- it is all there to teach you. I'm not implying it is comfortable. In fact, the largest growths happen in the ugly.
But, when you learn to integrate the fullness of your potential, you will find the meaning of your life you've maybe been searching for. Please join me in this journey!
*In the language of flowers, Chamomile (Martricaria recutita) means "Energy in adversity." This is is my hope for you-- that in your adversity you'll have energy and staying power.
Honoring Your Anger Visualization
It's ok to be angry. You might not believe me on this, so go ahead and listen to this visualization to understand what's triggering that anger, and what it's trying to tell you!
True Self Visualization
Are you worried about something or confused about who you really are? Visit this visualization to reconnect with yourself and your higher purpose.

*In the language of flowers,
abutilon means meditation

Making Christmas newletters/cards is one of my favorite things to do each year!
Contact Me
Please send me any questions you may have about my services, or anything else, really! I try to get back to people as fast as possible, so, if you don't hear from me within the hour, I beg your patience. Thanks!
Woodlyn, Pennsylvania
*In the language of flowers, Aster means "patience." I wish you patience in your journey. Know you are fully human and that is exactly what you're supposed to be!